Ct Post ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who championed same-sex marriage in New York, is starting the same effort to rivet America’s attention on the discrimination and abuse still facing women. The governor is tying abortion rights to the effort, a …
Huffington Post But to attract organic support from young people, women and minorities and continue harvesting new faces, conservatism needs an attitude adjustment: get hungry, get humble, and get to know more people who aren’t like you. A cultural shift in the GOP …
Daily Beast Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) insists that had women been running the Congress there would have been no “fiscal cliff” since “we don’t believe in the culture of delay.” Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) told an approving Diane Sawyer on ABC TV that women in …
Poughkeepsie Journal Other proposals unveiled by Cuomo include a 10-pack of measures focused on women’s issues, including state bills requiring women to be paid the same as men when performing equal work, putting abortion rights into law and enacting tougher penalties for …
current.com Sam Seder, host of “The Majority Report,” and Republican strategist Bill Spadea join “Say …
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current.com Christine Pelosi and Jennifer Granholm discuss the serious issue of rape inside the military.