For those coming to the PSA Annual Conference in Glasgow next week, there are a number of PSA Women and Politics panels and other sessions on women, gender and politics that you may be interested in attending. We also hope that you can make it to our Specialist Group Business Meeting at the Conference, which will take place Tuesday 11 April, 12.30-13.30 in… Continue reading PSA Annual Conference 2017
Category: News Items
By Sarah Childs I am the unnamed woman he couldn’t ‘make up’; I am the author of The Good Parliament Report; and my name is Sarah Childs. I am Professor of Politics and Gender at the University of Bristol, not ‘gender politics’ as was inaccurately reported, although to be honest I’m happy with that label. You… Continue reading AN UNLIKELY ADMIRER – AND ALLY – OF THE GOOD PARLIAMENT: RICHARD LITTLEJOHN
Demystifying and Navigating Early Career Academia
The PSA Early Career Network is holding a day’s conference in Manchester on Demystifying and Navigating Early Career Academia. It is a day of workshops and panels aimed at lifting the lid on academic processes - including advice on CVs and interviews, REF and TEF, and impact. Central to all sessions will be an attention to… Continue reading Demystifying and Navigating Early Career Academia

2016 Undergraduate Essay Competition Winners Announced!
The PSA Women and Politics Specialist Group is delighted to announce the winners of our annual Undergraduate Essay Competition. This year’s judge, Professor Rosie Campbell (Birkbeck, University of London and Vice-Chair of the Political Studies Association) noted the high quality of this year’s essays, stating: ‘The submissions were again of an excellent standard with a range of topics covered… Continue reading 2016 Undergraduate Essay Competition Winners Announced!
PSA Women and Politics Summit on Women in the Profession
PSA WOMEN AND POLITICS SUMMIT on WOMEN IN THE PROFESSION Friday 10 June 2016 University of Edinburgh Keynote Speakers: Professor Jane Mansbridge, Harvard Kennedy School Professor Yvonne Galligan, Queen's University Belfast This one-day international summit, organized by the Political Studies Association’s Women and Politics Specialist Group, and hosted by the School of Social and… Continue reading PSA Women and Politics Summit on Women in the Profession
Women and Politics Panels at PSA Conference
For those coming to the PSA Annual Conference in Brighton next month, there are a number of PSA Women and Politics panels and other sessions on women, gender and politics that you may be interested in attending. We also hope that you can make it to our Specialist Group Business Meeting at the Conference, which will take place Tuesday 22 March,… Continue reading Women and Politics Panels at PSA Conference

2015 Undergraduate Essay Competition Winners Announced!
The PSA Women and Politics Specialist Group is delighted to announce the winners of our annual Undergraduate Essay Competition. This year's judge, PSA Women and Politics Co-Convenor Dr. Fran Amery (University of Bath), noted the outstanding quality of this year's essays, stating: 'This was a difficult contest to judge due to the extremely high overall… Continue reading 2015 Undergraduate Essay Competition Winners Announced!