Friday 10 June 2016
University of Edinburgh
Keynote Speakers:

Professor Jane Mansbridge, Harvard Kennedy School
Professor Yvonne Galligan, Queen’s University Belfast
This one-day international summit, organized by the Political Studies Association’s Women and Politics Specialist Group, and hosted by the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh, addresses a crucial question of pressing concern: how to diversify the discipline of political science and combat gender inequality in the profession. This summit seeks to take stock of existing research on gender equality and diversity in the profession and to share insights and best practice – bringing together academics, activists, and representatives from professional associations, universities and political science departments in the UK and beyond to develop strategies for change.
Registration for the summit is now open – you can register HERE.
Please register as soon as possible, as places are limited.
There is a small registration fee payable for registered participants, to assist with catering costs and to help subsidise the costs of PhD and ECR attendees.
£25 – PSA Members – Waged (Full-Time)
£35 – Non–PSA Members – Waged (Full-Time)
£10 – PSA Members – PhD Students and Waged (Part-Time)
£15 – Non–PSA Members – PhD Students and Waged (Part-Time)
A limited number of bursaries are available to support the attendance of PhD students and early career academics – please contact Dr. Meryl Kenny () for details of how to apply. The closing date for bursary applications is Friday 13 May.
Please contact Dr. Meryl Kenny () and Dr. Fran Amery () with any questions or queries.
The PSA Women and Politics Group provides a focus for members of the UK Political Studies Association whose research focuses on women or gender, and is also a resource for women in the PSA. It has a commitment to ensure the visibility of women in the PSA and the discipline, while also combating sexism.